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Occasional current events-related rants & commentary about the widespread mindlessness & intellectual inertia that dominate popular American political thought. http://www.DemocracyIsNotFreedom.com
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Thursday, June 10, 2004

Feds at it again

It says a lot about the U.S. federal government’s view of the U.S. Constitution when its agencies, ostensibly with the blessings of Congress, trample the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens.

Case in point: Federal agents just raided the Denver home and business of income tax opponent and gun rights advocate Rick Stanley, taking property... But no federal charges have been filed against Stanley, and court documents relating to the raid remained sealed. [FULL STORY]

Go figure.

Mr. Stanley isn’t the only victim of federal intimidation tactics in recent history. One Larken Rose, whose TaxableIncome.net website and video expose the IRS fraud in crisp, clear detail, also recently suffered a home invasion by the IRS and DOJ, with no charges being filed, as did his colleague Tom Clayton.

You may have no problem with the IRS or a bloated federal government that plunders citizens’ wealth for the coerced funding of someone else’s globalist, collectivist programs. And you may even think anyone advocating "gun rights" is probably some kind of nut.

But if you think it’s okay for the federal government to trample the constitutional rights of people who lawfully voice their disapproval of federal abuses, don’t be surprised when the feds don’t stop there, and your favorite constituional rights are just as easily dispensed with.

If agencies of the federal government can invade law-abiding citizens’ homes with such impunity today, just wait to see what they’ll be doing to us in another decade -- unless a lot of us get substantially braver.


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