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Occasional current events-related rants & commentary about the widespread mindlessness & intellectual inertia that dominate popular American political thought. http://www.DemocracyIsNotFreedom.com
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Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Is this thing on?

It’s amazing how technology facilitates culture’s transformation. Things move quickly. I must confess I was still enjoying my vinyl LPs when most folks’ music libraries were stocked mostly with CDs. Less than a year ago I didn’t even know blogs existed (or what they were) -- and now I have one of my own!

I’ll be around. Telling the truth. The worldview espoused here will not be based on mere speculation, ideology, party line, or what the media and academia say. Before you see it, it will have undergone rigorous critical analysis. (You’re welcome to subject it to more.)

In the end, if even a few individuals have benefitted, the effort will have been worth it.


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