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Occasional current events-related rants & commentary about the widespread mindlessness & intellectual inertia that dominate popular American political thought. http://www.DemocracyIsNotFreedom.com
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Sunday, July 24, 2005

Make the Feds Enforce Their Own Laws

Collectivist busybodies of various stripes have recently objected to the fact that the Houston, Texas police department has not been enforcing federal immigration laws for several years. Typically, all their political posturing and rhetoric betrays a general ignorance and apathy concerning what constitutes lawful jurisdiction.

For example, it is not the prerogative of the federal government (or local collectivist busybodies, for that matter) to require Texas peace officers to do the federal government's "dirty work." Federal laws, by definition, require federal enforcement.

Simply put, there is no lawful (i.e., constitutional) provision empowering Congress or one of its agencies to requisition or divert the law enforcement resources of a State or local government for the regular enforcement of federal law.

Just as when state and local officers were unlawfully diverted into federal service during Prohibition -- and are similarly drafted in its reincarnation, that colossal failure popularly hawked as the "war on drugs" -- the central problem with immigration law enforcement is federal officials' enactment of laws for which they are unwilling to supply the necessary resources for enforcement.

Instead of allowing their own locally-funded law enforcement resources to be unlawfully diverted for the enforcement of federal laws, the citizens of Texas (and other States) should be holding the federal government accountable for its habit of embarking on multi-billion dollar "nation-building" adventures abroad at the expense of secure borders at home.


Blogger The Phoenix of Light said...

Might want to delete the above spam/advertising post.

Anyway, I like the commentary, and great blogsite layout. Mine is at http://phoenixoflight.org/blog/,
and as a ok but not that great layout.

About the article though: This situation is a lot like the "unfunded mandates" problem. I think most of this BS stems from a popular mentality in the US (if not most of the worl today) that the rules only apply to "everyone else", and that it's one's duty to be a hypocrite and chastize people while doing the same thing one's self.

Wednesday, 17 August, 2005  

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